"MSVC" Hercules Build Instructions


This document provides instructions on how to build the "MSVC" version of Hercules.

To build the Windows MSVC version of Hercules you need to first download and install Microsoft's free Visual C++ 2008 Express product and then do just a couple of simple minor things to finish setting it up.

Setting up the Hercules build environment

The overall setup process is basically very simple:

Note: once you've setup your build environment, (which you only need to do once and never again) the process of actually building Hercules is extremely simple: just open our pre-provided "Hercules.sln" Solution file and click the 'Rebuild Solution' button!

Setting up your Visual C++ 2008 Express
Hercules Build Environment

  1. Download and install Visual C++ 2008 Express.

  2. (optional)  Download and "install" the ZLIB package

    1. Download
    2. Unzip somewhere
    3. Define a ZLIB_DIR environment variable pointing to your directory so the Hercules build process can find the needed files.

  3. (optional)  Download and build the BZIP2 package

    1. Download
    2. Unzip somewhere
    3. Define a BZIP2_DIR environment variable pointing to your directory so the Hercules build process can find the needed files.

  4. (optional)  Download and "install" the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) package

    1. Download
    2. Unzip somewhere
    3. Define a PCRE_DIR environment variable pointing to your directory so the Hercules build process can find the needed files.

  5. Start Visual C++ 2008 Express, open our pre-provided "Hercules.sln" Solution file and click on the 'Rebuild Solution' button.

Setting up ZLIB Support

ZLIB is a compression algorithm written by Jean Loup Gailly and Mark Adler and may be used in the Hercules project pursuant to the ZLIB License (a copy of which may be seen at http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html).

In source form, the Hercules project does not contain any ZLIB source code at all.

In binary form however, the Hercules project may include an unmodified version of the ZLIB runtime DLL in addition to its own distribution binaries.

The 'ZLIB_DIR' environment variable defines the location of where the needed files are for building a version of Hercules that supports ZLIB compression. The makefile used by the Hercules build process tests whether this environment variable is defined or not in order to know whether you wish to build ZLIB compression support into Hercules or not.

If 'ZLIB_DIR' is undefined when you build Herc then it tries looking for it in a predefined default directory. If it doesn't find it then ZLIB support will simply not be generated. Otherwise 'ZLIB_DIR' must point to a valid directory where the ZLIB package is installed.

ZLIB_DIR should contain the path of the ZLIB directory. This means the following file/directory layout is expected:









When building a 64-bit (x64) version of Hercules the above 'x64' subdirectories are automatically searched, so as long as the above directory structure is adhered to then Hercules should build fine.

Setting up BZIP2 Support

BZIP2 is a freely available (open-source (BSD-style) license), patent free (as far as the author knows), high-quality data compressor written by Julian R Seward. It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available techniques (the PPM family of statistical compressors), whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times faster at decompression.

In source form, the Hercules project does not contain any BZIP2 source code at all.

In binary form however, the Hercules project may include an unmodified version of the BZIP2 runtime DLL in addition to its own distribution binaries.

If 'BZIP2_DIR' is undefined when you build Herc then it tries looking for it in a predefined default directory. If it doesn't find it then BZIP2 support will simply not be generated. Otherwise 'BZIP2_DIR' must point to a valid directory where the BZIP2 package is installed.

BZIP2_DIR should contain the path of the BZIP2 directory. This means the following file/directory layout is expected:




When building a 64-bit (x64) version of Hercules the above 'x64' subdirectories are automatically searched, so as long as the above directory structure is adhered to then Hercules should build fine.

Setting up PCRE Support

PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions) is: "a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. PCRE has its own native API, as well as a set of wrapper functions that correspond to the POSIX regular expression API. The PCRE library is free, even for building commercial software."

In source form, the Hercules project does not contain any PCRE source code at all.

In binary form however, the Hercules project may include an unmodified version of the PCRE runtime DLLs in addition to its own distribution binaries.

NOTE: the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions library is needed only to support the Hercules Automatic Operator (HAO) Facility. If you do not plan to ever use the Hercules Automatic Operator facility, then you do not need to install PCRE support and may safely skip this step.

If 'PCRE_DIR' is undefined when you build Herc then it tries looking for it in a predefined default directory. If it doesn't find it then regular expression support will simply not be generated. Otherwise 'PCRE_DIR' must point to a valid directory where the PCRE package is installed.

PCRE_DIR should contain the path of the PCRE directory. This means the following file/directory layout is expected:








When building a 64-bit (x64) version of Hercules the above 'x64' subdirectories are automatically searched, so as long as the above directory structure is adhered to then Hercules should build fine.

Building Hercules using the Visual Studio IDE

Default Visual Studio 9.0 (Visual C++ 2008 Express) solution and project files are included as part of the Hercules source-code distribution.

Simply open the Hercules .sln Solution file and click your 'Build' or 'Rebuild All' button.

That's it!  It truly is that simple!    :)

When you click the Rebuild All button the makefile project simply invokes "makefile.bat" which in turn simply invokes the 'nmake' command for "makefile.msvc" after calling a few key batch files to define the MSVC build environment.

Well, that's pretty much it I guess.   <shrug>

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to ask the   hercules-390 group   for help.     (not me)

Enjoy!   :)

  "Fish"  (David B. Trout)

"Programming today is a race between
software engineers striving to build bigger
and better idiot-proof programs, and the
Universe trying to produce bigger and better
idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

- Rich Cook