>>> Please use the closest alternate download site. <<<
Thanks to several people's gracious generosity, there are now several 'mirror' sites available where you can download these files from. Since my ISP charges me if my disk quota and/or monthly download quota is exceeded (and I'm presently unemployed), I'd like to kindly ask you to please use an alternate download site if one is available in your area. Thanks!
primary site
(http)Sam Knutson's
mirror site
(North America)
North Potomac, MD
United States
(http)Volker Bandke's
mirror site
(http)Pedro Ramos's
mirror site
(http)Note: when a new release is announced, the new version may not show up on the mirror sites until approximately 24 - 48 hours after the announcement. Once a new release has been out for at least 24 - 48 hours however, then all the mirrors should contain exactly the same information as the primary site. Please use a mirror if one is availble in your area. Thanks!
For my fellow Windows Herculeans, here are the links to download my new "TunTap" functionality for Hercules. It allows any TCP/IP networking enabled mainframe operating systems running under Hercules to communicate with the outside world (i.e. anyplace your Windows system can) via a virtual Channel-to-Channel Adapter point-to-point link direct to Windows's TCP/IP stack. (Well ... sort of anyway)
CTCI-W32, in its current form, requires the WinPCap device driver in order to work. Follow this link to the Politecnico di Torino web site where you can download and install the latest non-alpha, non-beta version of WinPCap. The WinPCap installation package from their web site installs a different device driver (and associated dll) depending on which flavor of Windows operating system you're using (Win9x vs. Win2K/XP, 32-bit vs. 64-bit). Both the device driver itself and their packet.dll are required by CTCI-W32.
Note: Only WinPCap version 4.0 or older is guaranteed to work with the current version of CTCI-W32. Newer versions of WinPCap may work but are not guaranteed to do so. To be safe, only use the latest compatible version of WinPCap (which is currently version 4.0) and not some newer one.
This is the entire CTCI-W32 package consisting of FishPack, TunTap32, and TT32Test. They are packaged together now as one product (instead of separately like before) in order to always keep the version numbers the same across the individual components.
This is a small text file containing the MD5 checksums for all of the .zip files on any of my web pages. Download this file and run it through an MD5 validator program to verify the integrity of all of the file(s) that you download.
One such MD5 utility program for Windows which I personally recommend (and which happens to be the same program I used to create the above MD5 checksum file with) is MD5summer (http://www.md5summer.org/). It's only a small 341K download, only takes up 646K of disk space expanded, is very easy to use and quite pretty (and fast!) too. If you don't have an MD5 checksum validating utility yet, this is the one I personally recommend getting.
This is the complete Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 source code for CTCI-W32. It's written as an ordinary set of MFC DLLs and executables. I've restructured the project workspace a bit better than it was in the last release to make it a bit easier to build the entire package since each component project is dependent on the other.
If you plan on using the source to build the CTCI-W32 package for yourself, be sure to also see the CTCI-W32 Build Instructions web page for build information.
Starting with version 3.2.0 the HTML documentation is now packaged separately from the binaries.
CTCI-W32 What's New Important information regarding the new release CTCI-W32 Configuration How it works and how to set up to use it CTCI-W32 Frequently Asked Questions Where to go if you're having problems CTCI-W32 Problem Reporting READ THIS FIRST before asking for help! CTCI-W32 Build Instructions Information on building the VC++ projects HercGUI -- The Hercules Windows GUI Information on my Windows GUI interface to Hercules The Main Hercules Emulator Home Page All about Hercules Why Make a Donation? I was asked to make my donations page easier to find, so here it is
Well, that's it I guess.
Enjoy your Channel-to-Channel Adapter functionality for Windows Hercules!
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
"Programming today is a race between
software engineers striving to build bigger
and better idiot-proof programs, and the
Universe trying to produce bigger and better
idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
- Rich Cook
(I need a job!)
If you like what you see here and think you might be interested in hiring me as a programmer (or know of someone that might be interested in hiring me), please check out my resumé and then give me a call or shoot me an email. Thanks!
Note, however, that I'm not interested in permanently relocating. I am, however, open to accepting contract positions (long or short term). It all depends on what I'd be doing, who I'd be doing it for, where I'd be doing it, how long I'd be doing it and, of course, how much I'd actually be paid to do it.)