BSP - Beratung, Schulung, Projekte

Error Reports and Fixes

Seq. Nr.Datesubmitted byDescriptionStatus
1 Aug. 09, 2002 n/a Error message 'MapViewOfFileEx ....... Win 32 error 6' issued during install of Tur(n)key system
See more info at TK3F001 details
fixed by TK3F001
2 Aug. 10, 2002 n/a Batch command sub reports missing program HercRdr.
See more info at TK3F002 details
fixed by TK3F002
3 Oct. 03, 2002 n/a VTAM crashes when using logon screen that was generated by NETSOL.REX.
See more info at TK3F003 details
fixed by TK3F003
4 Oct. 03, 2002 n/a Out-of-space error condition when trying to build 3380 and/or 3390 DASD images
See more info at TK3F004 details
fixed by TK3F004



When installing the Tur(n)key system from the CD, the following (or similar) error messages may be shown:

D:\cygwin\bin\mkdir.exe: *** MapViewOfFileEx 'shared'(0x610A60E8), Win 32 error 6
.  Terminating.
The Tur(n)key system is not installed

Affected Users

All Tur(n)key users on a Windows platform that already have Cygwin 1.3.12 or higher installed on their system and in the search path

Error Cause

The Tur(n)key system provides CYGWIN utilities as of Version 1.3.10 of Cygwin. Later Cygwin version seem to be slightly incompatible.

Error Correction

Use the installed Cygwin 1.3.12 (or higher) for your Tur(n)key installation: Unpack the fix file TK3F001.ZIP into any directory of your choice and run the command file setup_1312.bat, You can use the same switches/options as with the original setup program.

You will be asked for the drive letter of your CD-Rom drive. Enter just the letter, do not enter the trailing colon (:). The installation will then proceed as described in the New User's Cookbook



Running the sub command file gives error message

'hercrdr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
No job gets submitted via the socket reader device

Affected Users

All Tur(n)key users on a Windows platform that are not using the HercGui interface, and want to use the socket reader device for submitting jobs to the Tur(n)key system

Error Cause

HercRdr is part of the HercGUI package. If the GUI package is not installed, the HercRdr program is not available

Error Correction

Place the fix file TK3F002.ZIP into the same directory where the startmvs.bat command file is and expand the zip file, keeping the directory structure and overwriting existing files. This will provide a program netcat in the hercules subdirectory, and enhanced sub files in the JCL subdirectory You might want to edit the file jcl\sub and provide the host name and the port number the socket reader device. The lines to change are the first non-comment lines and look like this:

HOST=                    # insert HOST name here
PORT=                    # insert port number here
If you do not modify these two variables, the script will assume the following defaults:



Using the NETSOL.REX exec as provided in the REXX subdirectory to generate your own personal Logon screen will cause VTAM to crash next start of VTAM

Affected Users

All Tur(n)key users that tried to generate their own network solicitor sign on screen

Error Cause

Instead of an EQU containing the length of the logon screen a halfword binary containing the length is generated

Error Correction

Place the fix file TK3F003.ZIP into the same directory where the startmvs command file is and expand the zip file, keeping the directory structure and overwriting existing files. This will replace the netsol.rex script in the REXX subdirectory, and enhanced sub files in the JCL subdirectory



When rying to build 3380 or 3390 DASD image it is necessary to use DASDLOAD to create a DASD image, and then CKD2CCKD to compress the DASD image. This may lead to an "out-of-space" condition on the hard disk

Affected Users

All Tur(n)key users that try to build DASD images of their own

Error Cause

The intermediate uncompressed files can become very large

Error Correction

Place the fix file TK3F004.ZIP into the same directory where the startmvs command file is and expand the zip file, keeping the directory structure and overwriting existing files. This will add a subdirectory MODEL to the subdirectory DASD. This subdirectory contains pre-built DASD images. If you want to have a new DASD image, copy the appropriate model file into the dasd subdirectory of your Tur(n)key installation, renaming it to a name of your choice. Update the hercules configuration file with and entry for the new DASD image. Start Hercules, and IPL MVS. Then run job CLIPDASD to change the volume serial of the new DASD drive

Enjoy your private hercules mainframe

© BSP Beratung, Schulung, Projekte GmbH