BSP - Beratung, Schulung, Projekte

The MVS Tur(n)key System, Version 3

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I get the Tur(n)key CD?
  2. I have downloaded this monster file, what should I do now?
  3. I have a CD. What now?
  4. When I run setup from the CD-Rom, I get these weird error messages. What did I do wrong?
  5. I have installed the Tur(n)key system. When I run startmvs, Hercules gets started, but nothing else is happening. What am I missing?
  6. I have connected all kinds of terminals. What should I do now?
  7. I tried the IPL 148 command, but get a weird error message:
    Is this a bug or a feature?
  8. I get message
    when JES2 is started. Is this a problem?

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How do I get the Tur(n)key CD?

Many ways lead to ROM(e).....

  1. You can send USD 15 or Euro 15 in cash to me at this address, and I will burn a CD with the latest updates, fixes, enhancements included and send it to you
  2. You can go to CBT Tape and order the CD there. The cost is USD 5.00.
  3. You can download a full Tur(n)key System # 3 iso image (about 500 MB)

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I have downloaded this monster file, what should I do now?

Well, the "monster file" is a raw image of a CD-Rom. You need to take your favourite CD-Rom Burner program and use it to write this raw image to the DROM. Make sure that you use the "write ISO image" or "write track" option, do not just write the Turnkey_3.iso file to the CD.

On linux, you actually can use the Turnkey_3.iso file directly. As root, try the following

cd /mnt
mkdir tk3cd
mount -t iso9660 -o loop path_to_Turnkey_3.iso /mnt/tk3cd
cd tk3cd
and you should see the contents of the CDROM

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I have created a CD. What now?

Change to the CD's base directory. There you find a file readme.html. You should take at least a cursory glance at that file. Among others it will provide a link to the documentation for the Tur(n)key system

Okay, you don't do docs, and the only thing you want is to get an MVS system up and running as fast as possible? If that's what you want, enter

setup -as

In a Linux environment you will probably have to enter

./setup -as

This will invoke the automatic install path for a simplified MVS system

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When I run setup from the CD-Rom, I get these weird error messages. What did I do wrong?

The answer depends on the error messages, of course. If you receive messages similar to the following:

D:\cygwin\bin\mkdir.exe: *** MapViewOfFileEx 'shared'(0x610A60E8), Win 32 error 6
.  Terminating.
then I know an answer for you: You have Cygwin 1.3.12 installed on your computer, and the utility programs on the CD were built for version 1.3.10. Why the Cygwin people did manage to get those versions incompatible, I have not the slightest idea. But I have a workaround:
  1. Download the Tur(n)key Fix # 1
  2. Unpack the fix into any directory of your choice
  3. Run the script setup_1312.bat to start the installation of the MVS Tur(n)key system
  4. You will be prompted for the drive letter of the CD-Rom drive. Enter the letter, but do not enter the trailing colon (:)
  5. The rest of the installation is as described for the original setup script

If you encounter different error messages, please report them to me.

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I have installed the Tur(n)key system. When I run startmvs, hercules gets started, but nothing else is happening. What am I missing?

You need to connect terminal sessions to hercules. Try to take a look at the HOW TO document at the ...connect a tn3270 session section.

How many tn3270 session you will need to connect depends on what you specified during installation of the Tur(n)key system.

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I have connected all kinds of terminals. What should I do now?

How about reading the docs? :) Okay, you need to IPL the system now. Would you believe that a description of this process is in the cookbok? Take a look at the MVS IPL docs

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I tried the IPL 148 command, but get a weird error message. Is this a bug or a feature?


It is a feature. The checkpoint dataset either was never initialsed yet, or it has been overwritten. You need to enter the following MVS commands at the MVS console.

R 00,n
followed by
s jes2,,,parm='FORMAT,NOREQ'
But, of course, you knew that already, because you read it in the
MVS IPL docs.

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I get message
when JES2 is started. Is this a problem?

That again is a feature. The JES2 startup procedure contains a line

and the warning that is issued just tells you that the DDNAME IEFRDER was mot resolved in the JES2 procedure. No need to do anything. Actually, you migth be tempted to fix it by removing the line altogether. But that might not be a very good idea. There is a feature in JCL processing, long since forgotten, which allows to place nearly any JCL onto the IEFRDER statement when needed. How? Very simple. If you enter the command
s jes2,,,dsn=SYS1.HASPLIST,DISP=(,CATLG),UNIT=3350,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))
then the DDNAME IEFRDER will be creted in step IEFPROC of procedure JES2, and the supplied JCL parameters will be associated with the IEFRDER DDNAME. And what do you find in HASPLIST? HASPLIST is useful if JES2 doesn't start because of some error in the JES2 startup deck. In this case HASPLIST contains the listing of the startup parameters, and all the error messages that were issued. This is controlled via the LIST intialization control statement found in SYS1.JES2PARM(JES2PARM)

Enjoy your private hercules mainframe

© BSP Beratung, Schulung, Projekte GmbH